“MESA has been a MAJOR BLESSING to our business!”
"Not only is it helping with our sales growth, it has also increased our profit margin on the lines that we already carried prior to becoming members. The special group buys allow us to make margins that were unheard of prior to membership. My business is up 10% and growing in my short time as a member. MESA pays for itself – The rebates we have received thus far have tripled our member dues. We're literally being paid to be a member and getting loads of other benefits as well. This alone would justify joining but when you look at all the marketing tools & programs, along with the ability to tap into some of the best minds in 12V, it's a no brainer. MESA is an absolute win for us!"
— Omar Jawad – Sound Depot and Performance – FL

"Why would someone want to join MESA?"
"My thoughts are why wouldn't someone want to join MESA? The group keeps growing and bringing more to the table each day. Sure you have the discounted pricing structures and rebates from the vendors like all buying groups claim. You also have access to the marketing material which is world class and grows more robust every day. What you can not put a price on is the valuable things we learn from networking with the best of the best across the country. As well nothing beats having the email communication with those members to find those hard to get items you need at the last minute to close a deal or tech support on a troublesome vehicle or advice on how to handle a business issue you are facing. This is so much more than a buying or marketing group. This is simply the best group you could ever hope to be part of!"
— Raymond Ladner – Empress Audio – MS

“The Single Most Important Decision I've Ever Made For My Business Was... Joining MESA!”
"Joining MESA is the single most important decision I have ever made for my business!!! The marketing materials, the camaraderie of the members and sharing of best business practices are amazing! The MESA Fit guide is like a license to print money.... These reasons alone more than cover the minimal costs involved....throw in the people that we have met and became friends with, get advice from and the special deals... it's a no brainer. My business is up 40% since joining the group and I literally spend 5-8 hours less per week at the shop. It's hard to put a value on my personal family time but I will tell you that it is certainly worth more than the little bit I pay to be part of my other family – MESA."
— Mike Levitt – Rudy's Autosound – MT

“I once owned a Good Car Audio Business – Now I own a Great One!”
After joining MESA in late 2011 my sales were up over 20% for the first two years and we are on track to do it again! That is HUGE growth in just 3 years and I have to give a lot of that credit to MESA for making me better. MESA is all about sharing and growing your business. If you aren't OK with simply doing what you have always done any longer, then I urge you to reach out to MESA and see if your territory is still available. All I can tell you from my experience is that you won't regret it.
— Mike Irwin – Sound Waves – TN

“I simply can't sing the praises of this group enough.”
"Q – Ever run out of something that you can't get from your vendors?
A – Another MESA member probably has it, and can get it to you right away.
Q – Ever come across a vehicle that you don't know how to handle?
A – A MESA member has probably seen that vehicle and is happy to share tech tips with you.
Q – Ever wonder what advertising or promotions are working for others?
A – MESA members will let you know what works for them and what doesn't.
I simply can't sing the praises of this group enough. MESA has had a tremendous impact on my purchasing, marketing, profitability, and understanding of what it takes to run a truly successful Car Audio Business. If your territory is not already taken you would be insane to not at least investigate if you are right for MESA and MESA for you."
— Ben King – Basin Electronics – NM